Live Diabetes Chat 2: Dealing With Diabetes Burnout

Dealing with diabetes burn out - live diabetes chatLife with diabetes can be very hard. Some days you can wonder how you will keep going. Diabetes burn out is a common experience. Connecting with each other is one of the most important things for staying well and happy with diabetes. I am running an ongoing series of live video chats in our Facebook Group here I am also planning some webinars at some stage. This will include guests over time, and a range of topics.  New topics will be posted regularly so keep an eye on the page.

You can join us live, or watch in the group later and leave comments, which I will respond to when I can. I will also post the videos here on the blog, so you can check in here and leave comments here too. It will be every Tuesday – Sweet Talk Tuesdays – unless I am sick or busy or away etc! I will try to let people know this in the group.

Please share and also let me know of any topics you would love to see in the live chat sessions. Find all the topics here

This week the topic was about dealing with diabetes burn out – you can see the live video here. Bear in mind it is a Facebook Live video so the quality is not fantastic and there are comments posted as I chat, so head on over to the group if you want to see those. Have you experienced diabetes burn out? I would love to hear your experiences.

Helen xx