Georgia’s Blog, Relaxation

So soon into the New Year, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed.  Not that I am already, but for Christmas I was given a Pure Indulgence package at a Spa – including a massage, facial and manicure. Even though it was a long day at the Spa it was so relaxing, and at one point I think I may have even fallen asleep to the sounds of the ocean.

After a weekend at the river, being active on the water to then going back to work at a desk, it’s no wonder you get aches and pains. Yes I have made it my mission to get more active throughout the week. However I’m not the only one who feels like this.  I always hear my friends complaining about their back, getting headaches from lack of sleep and repeat.

It isn’t the cheapest option, but a body massage is a good idea and after my massage I definitely could get in to the habit of going back.

So whatever it may be, find something that relaxes you. It may take a while but experiment with different mediums whether it be getting your nails done or doing them yourself, or going on long walks, jogs – anything to find a way to create that balance in your life between work and home and all the stresses in between, you have to relax.

I was watching an episode of Full House and one of the main characters was listening to meditation tapes to ‘relax’ but it became a problem when the cement truck backed up and started filling their kitchen with concrete and he didn’t hear a thing because he was in the ‘zone’ – whatever works for you though right?

So this weekend find a way that will help keep you relaxed during the week, but whatever you do – don’t make it a thing you have to do, but want to, otherwise it becomes that added extra on your to do list.

Until next week

Georgia 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. Bridgett on January 31, 2014 at 11:33 am

    One way that might make things easier if people have health cover is that health funds (at least, I know Bupa does) offer alternative therapy options in some cases. Depending on your cover, you may be able to get reimbursed by your health fund if you see a person with a provider number with them. Or they might have HICAPS so you won’t be out of pocket except for the gap. If a massage is your ‘thing’ this could be an option. 🙂