Mental Health

6 Tips To Reboot With Diabetes

One of the hardest parts of living with diabetes is the ongoing relentless nature of it all. When you get sick with something, you usually recover after a period of rest and treatment. In chronic dieases or conditions like diabetes, it is there forever. With some conditions there are not a lot of things the…

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Facing Life & Fear Head On

There has been a lot of discussion lately about worry, fear and anxiety when you have diabetes. For many people living with diabetes, on the surface daily life is no different to the rest of the world, but other people can not see all of the decisions you are making, like whether to check your…

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On Patience and Patients

I had an appointment at my diabetes eye specialist recently that I cancelled and re-booked. Once, I did that about 6 times, before finally going through with the appointment……The appointment has come again this week, and yet again I am sitting here deciding whether to go through with it, or postpone. The thing is, when…

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Why You Are Good Enough

I saw someone tweet recently “I don’t want to be told I can do anything if I put my mind to it, I want to be told that what I can do is good enough” (@brookewinters33). It really struck me. This is something you hear so often…”you can do anything if you put your mind to…

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The Incredible Art of Ageing

Growing older is a given. Despite much research, discussion and striving to avoid it, you just can not prevent getting older, and the old adage of there being 2 things in this world being certain – death and taxes – is still true. You can not put off death. It happens to all of us.…

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Diabetes Chat 3: Dealing with Diabetes & Pregnancy

Our Sweet Talk Tuesday live chat sessions are on a range of topics – head here to find out all of the upcoming talks and topics. Chat topic 3 was about managing diabetes and pregnancy. This is a passion topic of mine being mum of 3 beautiful sons, and studying my PhD looking at the…

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Lifting the Burden of Chronic Disease

managing wellbeing and diabetes

I have been going through some changes to my health lately, including high and low blood pressure, lightheadedness and a couple of instances of vertigo, mood changes, sleeping troubles, night sweats and unexplained overnight blood glucose spikes (incredibly cruel when I am on a low carb diet and changing my pump sites daily). I was…

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When Everything is Not OK

One thing I have learned in my almost 50 years of life, is that everyone feels pain, and most importantly, that is ok. We are all living through lives filled with a multitude of experiences, feelings, thoughts. Pain is an important part of living. Physical pain serves as a warning, to look out for danger…

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More Than The Sum of Our Parts

It’s the final day of the eighth annual Diabetes Blog Week, started by Karen from Bittersweet Diabetes The day one topic is here about expecting the unexpected and day two is here about the costs of diabetes and day three here, about the diabetes blame game and day four here about what brings me down. You can find the link to…

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To the Top of The World: What Brings Me Down With Diabetes

It is the eighth annual Diabetes Blog Week, started by Karen from Bittersweet Diabetes and today is day 4 –  The day one topic is here about expecting the unexpected and day two is here about the costs of diabetes and day three here, about the diabetes blame game. Today’s prompt is one I have lived and breathed since…

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The Surety of Expecting the Unexpected

It is the eighth annual Diabetes Blog Week, started by Karen from Bittersweet Diabetes I participated a while back now and given I am back on the D Blogging seat, thought I would hop on in and join. I am looking forward to reading and connecting with diabetes bloggers across the world this week. The day one…

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Comparing, Deciding & Letting Go

Having worked on the interwebs now since 2001, a verrrry long time ago in the lifetime of the interwebs, but not that long ago in the lifetime of the world, I have seen a lot. A bit like the way the management of diabetes has changed so much since I was first diagnosed in 1979,…

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Why You Need to Take a Break From Diabetes

Why You Need to Take a Break From Diabetes

We all have our favourite memories and ideas about what makes the perfect holidays. Maybe yours is skiing on a powder white slope; lazing on a golden sunny beach under a palm tree; hiking in bushland; an eco holiday; rail journey or cruise – whatever the word “holiday” conjures up for you, there will be many dreams, memories, emotions…

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