Exploring daily self-management experiences for people with type 1 diabetes in hospital
Sharing this research for a lovely friend of mine who is doing great work for those of us living with diabetes – all the details about how to get involved below
Helen x
Hello, My name is Rebecca and I am currently enrolled in a PhD at Flinders University. I understand that every day at home you independently self manage your own diabetes. I am really interested in understanding the experiences of people with type 1 diabetes when they go into hospital and what happens to their self-management of their diabetes. I am particularly interested in what happens when you are admitted for something other than your diabetes for example a hip replacement or a bout of influenza; your reason for going to hospital is not your diabetes.
My interest in this topic originates from my own observations as a nurse in the hospital setting and through a personal involvement with a person who has type 1 diabetes and was admitted to hospital for a broken ankle. I also teach in diabetes management and education course at Flinders University so am continually involved in wanting to improve the care health professionals provide to people living with diabetes. The overall aim of my study is to explore the experiences of self-management for adults with type 1 diabetes in hospital when diabetes is not their primary admission diagnosis. Potential participants are required to have type 1 diabetes, be over the age of 18 and have been admitted to hospital within the last 2 years for any condition other than their diabetes.
If you would like to contact me about being involved in my study please call me on (08) 8201 5749 or email me rebecca.munt@flinders.edu.au The project has Social Behavioural Research Ethics Committee approval from Flinders University.
Would you like to volunteer an hour of your time for an interview for this project? If the answer is yes please read on!
What will I be asked to do?
The study will require your involvement in an interview which can be done over the phone or in person. If you are willing to be interviewed I will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time and place to conduct the interview. The interview duration is estimated to be one hour. You may answer ‘no comment’ or refuse to answer any questions and you are free to withdraw from the interview at any time without effect or consequences. The interview will be audio recorded. Once recorded, the interview will be transcribed (typed-up) and stored as a computer file and then destroyed once the results have been finalised.
What benefit will I gain from being involved in this study?
The sharing of your experiences may not benefit you directly but may lead to a better understanding of how people with type 1 diabetes want their diabetes managed while in hospital.
Will I be identifiable by being involved in this study?
All personal information will remain confidential and no information which could lead to your identification will be released. You will be allocated a pseudonym name to protect your identity. All information collected will be stored in a locked cabinet in my office for the duration of the research project and on my password protected computer. On completion of the study all the information about you will be stored in a locked facility in the School of Nursing and Midwifery for five years. After the five years all information will be confidentially destroyed. Information from this study will be used for the completion of the PhD thesis and publication in journals.
Are there any risks or discomforts if I am involved?
The investigator anticipates minimal risk from your involvement in this study. If you have any concerns regarding anticipated or actual risks or discomforts, please raise them with me.
How do I agree to participate?
Participation is voluntary. If you agree to participate you will be sent a consent form – please read and sign the form and send it back to me via post or email. Should you have any questions about the project, before, during or after the study, you may contact me on (08) 82015749 or at rebecca.munt@flinders.edu.au.
How will I receive feedback?
After the interview is concluded an email or letter will be sent thanking you for your participation. The email or letter will inform you that you can request a summary of the results when the study is finalised.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet and I hope that you will accept our invitation to be involved.
Thank you.
Kind regards